Repository links

This is a paid feature.

Following repositories are supported:

  • Bitbucket (Cloud & Server)
  • GitHub
  • GitLab
  • AWS CodeCommit
  • Azure Repos

You can open or copy browser link to:

  • file (and to exact line in file when used from editor)
  • repository root

Actions are available from:

  • file context menu links-context-menu.png
  • Git Log view links-log-view-menu.png
  • Git Log commit details view links-log-view-details-menu.png

It is also possible to copy link from browser and a notification in IDE will appear which allows to open given file in IDE. For example:

  1. Copy a link from browser to clipboard, for example:
  2. After switching back to IDE you will get a notification with link to open editor from that link
    • reverse-link-navigation-notification.png